Friday, May 31, 2019

Batman Frees Alex Jones!!! (A BATMAN FAN FILM)

The following Batman fan film is a submission to a current Info Wars poster campaign. You can learn more about the poster campaign below:
This film is a non-profit fan film and is not endorsed by or affiliated with DC Comics/DC entertainment, or any of their parent companies or affiliates. All names and references are copyright and trademark of their respective holders. This film is for entertainment purposes only.

RockingMrE Claims That The Holy Spirit Is Not God

The Christian YouTuber/BitChuter RockingMrE recently put out a video where he rejected the doctrine of the trinity. In that video, RockingMrE claimed that there is no evidence in the scriptures to support the claim that the Holy Spirit is God.  I respond to and destroy this hilariously false heresy in the following video:

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Joy Reid Claims That Banning Abortions Is A Dark-Age Practice

MSNBC host Joy Reid recently claimed that recent bills in various states that essentially ban abortion outright are outright dark-age practices.  I respond to this absurd claim.

Gab Rolls Out Dissenter Web Browser

I take a look at the Dissenter web browser that Gab rolled out to the public recently, fulfilling their promise to do so after their Dissenter app's browser extension was banned by Google and Mozilla's extension stores.

Buzzfeed Defames & Slanders A 14-Year-Old Female YouTuber

I respond to Buzzfeed's disgusting hit piece on a 14-year-old female YouTuber named Soph, whose only crime is rejecting the authoritarian propaganda and actions of the MSM and Big Tech companies.

The Young Earth Creationism Triangle

Many people are confused by Young Earth Creationism. If the Bible teaches the YEC timeline of history, then why are there so many old earth creationists who reject YEC? Why are there so many people on the planet who reject YEC? In this video, I explain that YEC isn't the product of a single factor, but of three factors: belief, knowledge, and obedience. These three factors come together in what we'll call "The Young Earth Creationism Triangle."

YouTubers Aren't Paying Attention To Their BitChute Audiences

Apologist Justin Derby has noticed for a while now that there are many BitChute users who are starting to get frustrated with their favorite YouTubers not interacting with their BitChute audiences after stressing how important it was to follow them on BitChute due to the possibility of their favorite creators being censored on YouTube. It's time to give them a voice.

Responding To Styxhexenhammer666 On Genesis 30:25-43

In a recent video, Styxhexenhammer666 claimed that if you were an atheist who wanted to make sure your children stayed atheist, you should have them read the Bible, and he cited Genesis 30:25-43 as an example as a story in the Bible that would drive someone towards atheism. Since evolutionists and atheists claim that reading the Bible will turn anyone in general into an atheist, I decided to make a video response:

Friday, May 10, 2019

Debunking Matt Walsh's Arguments Against YEC: Part 1

In October of 2018, Matt Walsh put out a 44-minute video where he tried to lay out several arguments against young earth creationism. The following video is the first of three video responses that I plan on putting out on it:

Facebook Bans All Their Users From Sharing Info Wars Content

Recently, Facebook and Instagram designated Info Wars, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, and others as being "Dangerous" individuals and organizations, and they announced that they will no longer allow Facebook users to share links to Info Wars videos, articles, and radio segments. The following video is my response to it:

Banned From Twitter 10 Minutes After Making A New Account There

I tried to start a Twitter account so I could tag various members of the alternative media on BitChute's thread about my previous video in order to see if they would weigh in on the topic; I ended up being kicked off Twitter 10 minutes later.  Here is my video about it:

Friday, May 3, 2019

YouTube Removes "Broadcast Yourself" Motto, Declares War On Content Creators (Justin Derby)

On April 30, 2019, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki put out a post on YouTube's creator blog where she acknowledges that independentcontent creators and alternative media members were censored byYouTube even though they didn't violate any of YouTube's rules, guidelines, and policies, and she offers zero apologies and shows no remorse about it. YouTube also recently took the old "Broadcast Yourself" motto off of YouTube's official blog.  I made the following video response.