Friday, December 13, 2019

Soft Tissue In Triceratops Bone Proves That Evolution Is False

Back in 2012, Young Earth Creationist Mark Armitage discovered a non-fossilized Triceratops bone a couple of feet under the surface of the Hell Creek Formation in Montana.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Old Earth Creationists Reject What Moses Wrote

Old Earth Creationists believe that God revealed the Creation account to Moses through a dream or vision, and they believe that God did not give Moses a straightforward account of what happened regarding origins. 

Muslim Man Awarded $120K By HRTO For Lying On Job Application

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario's decided to award a Muslim man $120,000 for lying on a job application for Imperial Oil, according to an article by Jihad Watch.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Professor Stick Claims That Intelligent Intervention Is Proof Of Atheistic Evolution

In a recent video where the evolutionist YouTuber Professor Stick was trying to refute a video by a young earth creationist regarding abiogenesis and spontaneous generation, Professor Stick touted scientists creating life from non-living material in an experiment as evidence for all of reality coming into existence from nothing at some point in the past without any intelligent mind of any kind being involved at all. 

Friday, September 6, 2019

KJV-Onlyist Blames Modern English Bibles For The Heresy In The American Church

If you're familiar with King James Onlyism and the arguments that King James Onlyists make, then you know that KJV-Onlyists love to demonize modern English translations of the Bible, especially translations like the NIV, ESV, and NKJV Bibles.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Info Wars Launches YouTube Alternative Banned.Video

When YouTube started censoring its content creators in 2017, a need for a YouTube alternative that champions freedom of expression was created.  Many YouTube alternatives have come and gone over time, and with the exception of BitChute, none of them have become a viable alternative to censorious YouTube.  Alex Jones and Info Wars is looking to change that.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Big Bang Cosmology Contradicts The Bible Regarding The Sun And Earth

There are many Christians out there who accept Big Bang cosmology because Big Bang cosmology agrees with the Bible that the universe came into existence out of nothing in an instant at a point in the past.  Christians use this to justify accepting Big Bang cosmology and the billions of years that it teaches.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

US Defense Department Plans To Censor Content Creators By 2023

According to a recent Yahoo! News article, the US Defense Department plans to roll out systems in 2023 that will detect and censor content that the Legacy media considers to be fake news before that content has a chance to go viral.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Methuselah Star Disproves Big Bang Cosmology

In the following video blog, I discuss a recent news story about the discovery of the Methuselah star, and what it means for the Creation vs Evolution debate:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Friday, August 30, 2019

Russian Polygamist Claims To Be Second Coming Of Jesus

In the following video, I respond to a trending story on Dissenter about a Russian man claiming to be the second coming of Jesus:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Ray Comfort Undermines Christian Faith By Neglecting Apologetics

In the following video blog, I respond to a section of Ray Comfort's new book Faith Is For Weak People where Ray teaches that Christian apologetics is not that important, and we should set it aside and focus more on the gospel and Jesus:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

YouTube Bans James Allsup's Channel

In the following video blog, I respond to YouTube's recent decision to ban James Allsup from their platform. Now more than ever, independent content creators need to get on BitChute, Gab, and other alt-tech platforms:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Shannon Q Donates $1000 to LGBT Charity Under Ken Ham's Name

In the following video, I respond to Shannon Q's recent announcement that she donated over $1000 to an LGBT charity under Ken Ham's name due to Ken Ham not affirming her LGBTQ ideology:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

NBC News Claims That Heterosexuality Is The Foundation Of The Global Oppression Of Women

In the following video blog, I respond to an NBC News article that steps into #clownworld and declares that heterosexuality is the foundation of the global oppression of women:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

I'm On DLive!! Future TTOR Podcast!!

In the following video blog, I unveil the TTOR channel on DLive, where livestreams of the upcoming TTOR podcast will take place in the future:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Frank Turek, William Lane Craig Admit That OECs Reject The Straightforward Reading Of The Bible

In the following video blog, I examine the words of old earth creationists Frank Turek and William Lane Craig to prove that old earth creationists reject the straight-forward and contextual reading of the Bible regarding the age of the earth and universe, and to prove that old earth creationists reinterpret the Bible in light of the evolution paradigm of history in order to justify their beliefs:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

YouTube Censors Brett Keane!!

In the following video blog, I respond to YouTube blocking one of Brett Keane's recent livestreams and indefinitely suspending Brett Keane's ability to livestream on his YouTube channel.  Brett Keane is a former atheist who became a Christian several years ago, and he has been a nightmare for atheists to deal with in an intellectual discussion.

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

"The Making Of The President 2016" Promo

In this brief video blog, I promote Roger Stone's 2017 book "The Making Of The President 2016":

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Man Wanted By The UK Police For Making A Rude Joke To A Muslim

In the following video blog, I respond to a recent incident where the UK police are looking for a man who made a rude joke towards a Muslim, and shows that the Quran teaches that merely annoying a Muslim is grounds for the death penalty.

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Reasons For And Role Of The Decline Of Christianity

In the following collaboration with the BitChuter BenGoldstein, we discuss how rejection of Christianity has led to the decline of Western culture and civilization:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Vice News Is Afraid Of Gab Becoming Mainstream, Puts Out Hit Piece

In the following video blog, I respond to the hit piece that Vice News just put out on Gab where Vice News admits that Gab is growing fast, and that they're terrified at the possibility of Gab becoming mainstream because Gab doesn't censor content that is legally protected by the first amendment:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Google Sends Police After Project Veritas Whistleblower

In the following video blog, I respond to the recent Project Veritas video where the whistleblower from their previous Google expose decided to go public with his identity after Google sent the police after him as retaliation for going to Project Veritas to expose Google before:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Evolutionist: Fertilized Eggs Always Come Out Human, But They're Not Human At Conception

On August 9, I was in Brett Keane's weekly livestream arguing with an evolutionist who happened to be a biochemist/biologist, and after I pointed out that a fertilized egg is a human from conception because that fertilized egg allows becomes a human when it's allowed to come to full term, the evolutionist claimed that just because a fertilized egg always becomes a human when it's allowed to come to full term doesn't mean that it's a human from conception. It's funny how evolutionists are always accusing young earth creationists of being anti-science, and yet they are the ones denying what they observe with their senses to justify their beliefs.  You can watch this interaction for yourself in the following video:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

SJWs Claim That T-Rex Prefers To Be Called By Gender-Neutral Pronouns

In the following video blog, I respond to a recent story about a museum in Chicago that has instructed their staff and tour guides to inform visitors that the T-Rex fossil in the museum prefers to be referred to with gender-neutral pronouns:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Professor Stick, FrogOfRevelation, And Creationist Derangement Syndrome

Creationist Derangement Syndrome (CDS) is where evolutionists/atheists are so desperate to make sure that a young earth creationist is never right about anything that even when a young earth creationist is completely right about something, the evolutionist/atheist will insist that the young earth creationist is wrong.  In the following video blog, I take a look at Professor Stick and recent comments by a BitChute user named FrogOfRevelation to demonstrate how CDS works:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Joshua Harris Leaves The Christian Faith, Bows To The LGBT Gestapo

Joshua Harris, the author of the book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye", announced over Instagram that he has left the Christian faith.  I respond to this announcement.

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Responding To Styxhexenhammer666 On The Existence Of Aliens

In a recent video, Styxhexenhammer666 claimed that because the universe is so big, and because evolution & billions of years is true, Aliens just have to exist because it's mathematically impossible for them to not exist.  I respond to this silly claim in the following video blog:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Debunking James McGrath On YEC Being A Cult

In the following video blog, I respond to a 2012 article by James McGrath where McGrath tries to prove that young earth creationism is a cult, and Justin exposes the weak & hypocritical arguments put forth by McGrath.

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

The Law Of Entropy Disproves Evolution

In the following video blog, I show how the Second Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Entropy, completely disproves evolution at the most fundamental level:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

YouTube Bans Soph For "Hate Speech"

In the following video blog, I respond to YouTube's decision to delete Soph's entire YouTube channel as retaliation for daring to criticize the LGBT community in her newest video:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Paul Joseph Watson Calls BitChute & Gab "Ghettos For White Supremacists"

BitChute, the alt-tech alternative to YouTube that champions freedom of expression, and Gab, the alt-tech alternative to Twitter, have been some of the greatest platforms to ever exist for a young earth creationist like myself.  So naturally, I did not take too kindly to Paul Joseph Watson, an Info Wars contributer and founder of Summit News, claiming that BitChute and Gab are ghettos for White Supremacists.

In the following video blog, I respond to Paul Joseph Watson's blatantly false claim that BitChute and Gab are merely ghettos for white supremacists, and exposes PJW for the shill that he is:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Should Christians Defend The Big Bang Theory/Model?

In the following video blog from 2017, I show that the Big Bang model contradicts the Biblical creation account in virtually every way:

In a follow-up video blog also from 2017, I give a quick history lesson showing that evolutionists and atheists are so desperate to find evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory that they will not do their homework regarding something that claims to be evidence for the Big Bang Theory:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

New Scientific Study Proves That Man-Made Climate Change Does Not Exist

In the following video blog, I respond to a Zero Hedge article about a scientific study at Kobe University in Japan that found that anthropogenic climate change is so small that it doesn't exist in practice:

Be sure to subscribe to the TTOR BitChute channel for more videos!

Friday, July 12, 2019

Facebook's New Community Guidelines Allow Calls Of Violence & Death Threats Against Info Wars

In the following video, I respond to Facebook's new community guidelines update regarding violence and incitement that literally allows Facebook users to make calls of violence and death threats towards individuals and organizations that Facebook labels as "dangerous", such as Info Wars, Alex Jones, and Paul Joseph Watson:

King Solomon Violated The Torah's Rules Regarding The King

In the following video, I look at Deuteronomy 17:14-20, and goes on to show how King Solomon violated the rules for the king of Israel that are laid out in that passage:

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Why Did American Schools Become Indoctrination Centers?

While the majority of people recognize that the american education system has become an indoctrination center run by socialists, communists, and Marxists, most people do not know why the socialists, communists, and marxists decided to take over our education system, or how they did it. I decided to explain the why and how in the following video:

Friday, May 31, 2019

Batman Frees Alex Jones!!! (A BATMAN FAN FILM)

The following Batman fan film is a submission to a current Info Wars poster campaign. You can learn more about the poster campaign below:
This film is a non-profit fan film and is not endorsed by or affiliated with DC Comics/DC entertainment, or any of their parent companies or affiliates. All names and references are copyright and trademark of their respective holders. This film is for entertainment purposes only.

RockingMrE Claims That The Holy Spirit Is Not God

The Christian YouTuber/BitChuter RockingMrE recently put out a video where he rejected the doctrine of the trinity. In that video, RockingMrE claimed that there is no evidence in the scriptures to support the claim that the Holy Spirit is God.  I respond to and destroy this hilariously false heresy in the following video:

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Joy Reid Claims That Banning Abortions Is A Dark-Age Practice

MSNBC host Joy Reid recently claimed that recent bills in various states that essentially ban abortion outright are outright dark-age practices.  I respond to this absurd claim.

Gab Rolls Out Dissenter Web Browser

I take a look at the Dissenter web browser that Gab rolled out to the public recently, fulfilling their promise to do so after their Dissenter app's browser extension was banned by Google and Mozilla's extension stores.

Buzzfeed Defames & Slanders A 14-Year-Old Female YouTuber

I respond to Buzzfeed's disgusting hit piece on a 14-year-old female YouTuber named Soph, whose only crime is rejecting the authoritarian propaganda and actions of the MSM and Big Tech companies.

The Young Earth Creationism Triangle

Many people are confused by Young Earth Creationism. If the Bible teaches the YEC timeline of history, then why are there so many old earth creationists who reject YEC? Why are there so many people on the planet who reject YEC? In this video, I explain that YEC isn't the product of a single factor, but of three factors: belief, knowledge, and obedience. These three factors come together in what we'll call "The Young Earth Creationism Triangle."

YouTubers Aren't Paying Attention To Their BitChute Audiences

Apologist Justin Derby has noticed for a while now that there are many BitChute users who are starting to get frustrated with their favorite YouTubers not interacting with their BitChute audiences after stressing how important it was to follow them on BitChute due to the possibility of their favorite creators being censored on YouTube. It's time to give them a voice.

Responding To Styxhexenhammer666 On Genesis 30:25-43

In a recent video, Styxhexenhammer666 claimed that if you were an atheist who wanted to make sure your children stayed atheist, you should have them read the Bible, and he cited Genesis 30:25-43 as an example as a story in the Bible that would drive someone towards atheism. Since evolutionists and atheists claim that reading the Bible will turn anyone in general into an atheist, I decided to make a video response:

Friday, May 10, 2019

Debunking Matt Walsh's Arguments Against YEC: Part 1

In October of 2018, Matt Walsh put out a 44-minute video where he tried to lay out several arguments against young earth creationism. The following video is the first of three video responses that I plan on putting out on it:

Facebook Bans All Their Users From Sharing Info Wars Content

Recently, Facebook and Instagram designated Info Wars, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, and others as being "Dangerous" individuals and organizations, and they announced that they will no longer allow Facebook users to share links to Info Wars videos, articles, and radio segments. The following video is my response to it:

Banned From Twitter 10 Minutes After Making A New Account There

I tried to start a Twitter account so I could tag various members of the alternative media on BitChute's thread about my previous video in order to see if they would weigh in on the topic; I ended up being kicked off Twitter 10 minutes later.  Here is my video about it:

Friday, May 3, 2019

YouTube Removes "Broadcast Yourself" Motto, Declares War On Content Creators (Justin Derby)

On April 30, 2019, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki put out a post on YouTube's creator blog where she acknowledges that independentcontent creators and alternative media members were censored byYouTube even though they didn't violate any of YouTube's rules, guidelines, and policies, and she offers zero apologies and shows no remorse about it. YouTube also recently took the old "Broadcast Yourself" motto off of YouTube's official blog.  I made the following video response.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Updates On Blog, Website, And Videos!

The following video is my summary of some changes that I have made to the TTOR ministry recently:

Monday, April 22, 2019

Kyle Korver Goes Full SJW, Claims That Non-Racists Are Racists

Recently, an NBA player named Kyle Korver, a small forward for the Utah Jazz, wrote an article titled Privileged for The Players Tribune where he condemns racism, social justice warrior style.  At one point in the article, Kyle Korver argues that people who reject racism in their private and public lives are actually racists who need to be exposed, denounced, and by implication, kicked out of every level of society.  The following is my video response to Kyle Korver's article:

Friday, April 19, 2019

Facebook Allows Incitement Of Violence Against Christians.

Recently, a publication called True Conservative Pundit put out an article talking about how Facebook allows the LGBTQ community to incite violence against Christians without any consequence.  The following video is my response to the article:

If you would like to see my video from 13 months ago documenting how Facebook was banning Christians for directly quoting the Bible while simultaneously allowing pedophile groups to run around willy nilly, check out the following video

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Hell Is Not A Place Of Eternal, Conscious Torment

I prove from the New Testament that people who die never having repented of their sins and who rejected Jesus will have their souls killed in the Lake of Fire at the Great White Throne Judgement, which logically means that there is no possible way for Hell to be a place of eternal, conscious torment.  You can see my proof in my new video:

Monday, April 15, 2019

Mario The Vigilant Christian Comes Clean About His Homosexual Desires

Back in January, Mario The Vigilant Christian got exposed having a sexting roleplay with one of his female subscribers.  In this sexting roleplay, Mario initiated a threesome roleplay with his female subscriber, he insisted that the third person in this roleplay be one of his male friends, and Mario engaged in homosexual acts in this roleplay.

Critics of Mario, including myself, pointed out that this was proof positive that Mario had homosexual tendencies, and was clearly bisexual.  Mario responded by putting out a video titled "Am I Gay?", where he denied that he had homosexual desires or tendencies, and claimed that he was simply playing into the fantasies of his female subscriber.  Fans of Mario on Gab and Minds were upset with my video calling Mario out for lying about his homosexual desires and showing Mario's texts on screen, and they accused me of being a god-hating homosexual who pretends to be a Christian apologist to get views and subs.

However, in a recent confession video, Mario admitted that he has homosexual tendencies and desires.  The following video is my video response to Mario's confession video: